Dermal Fillers and
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

At The Medic Clinic, we have an extensive range of treatments that help to prevent premature ageing. Skin can become run-down because of a number of reasons including deterioration with age, skin type, sun damage and lifestyle.

While this page is about anti-wrinkle injections, it should be mentioned that with anti-ageing treatments, there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach. Everyone’s skin is different which is why we provide you with your own personal treatment plan that facilitates your specific needs.

01234 984065

We are the leading aesthetic clinic in Bedford.

Our aesthetic service is led by Mr Simon Chapman  who with his many years of experience has perfected his skill in facial injections. Our friendly staff are on hand to guide you every step of the way. Book an appointment today and find out more about what the procedure entails from our team.


As we get older, our skin loses the supple elasticity it once had. As a result, we acquire more fine lines and wrinkles. These can be resolved by using wrinkle softening treatments. Simon uses the latest in facial rejuvenation to give your skin a smoother and younger appearance using a safe and virtually painless non-surgical technique. This treatment is suitable for:

  • Frown lines: Reduction and prevention of the vertical lines between your brows, often caused by frowning.
  • Forehead wrinkles: Reduction and prevention of wrinkles on your forehead, caused by the movement of muscles during facial expression.
  • Crow’s feet: Reduction and prevention of wrinkles in the outer corners of the eye, more noticeable when smiling or laughing. These become more prominent with age.
  • Brow lift: Non-surgical brow lift to raise and re-contour eyebrows. Effective if concerned about heaviness of the upper eyelid and drooping brows.
  • Jowl lift: Reduce neck creases and help improve definition of the jawline.
  • Drooping smile: Raise a drooping smile by reducing the downward ‘pull’ of the corners of the mouth.
  • Smoker’s lines: Reduce smoker’s lines caused by puckering of the lips. This improves the appearance of the outline of the lips.
  • Hyperhidrosis (excess sweating): Blocks the nerves that activate the sweat glands to help alleviate embarrassment of excess sweating of the underarm region.

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At The Medic Clinic, we only use the most premium filler; Juvederm. Unlike other fillers, these results last up to approximately 9-24 months. Juvederm contains lidocaine which is an anaesthetic to help reduce any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The patented technology in Juvederm allows facial fillers to blend with the tissue under the skin, giving you the most natural and seamless look possible.
Our facial filler procedure is designed to treat:

  • Under the eyes (Tear Trough) for hallow and dark circles
  • Cheeks (create a fuller cheek or a high cheek bone look)
  • Lips (Vermillion border and lip augmentation)
  • Lip Lines (Smoker’s Lines) plumper and fuller lips
  • Nose to mouth lines (Naso-labial folds)
  • Mouth to Chin lines (Marionette lines)
  • Chin (defined chin with fillers) / jaw line definition
  • Nose (Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty / non surgical nose job)
  • Hands
  • 6-point face lift (creates a non-surgical facelift by treating the cheeks, jawline, marionette lines and nasolabial folds)


Booking Form 4march2024

Our Pricelist
1 Area £150
2 Areas £175
3 Areas £225
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive sweating – underarms) £250
Teeth Grinding £350
Gummy Smiles £150
Bunny Lines £150
Lips (1ml) (0.5ml available upon request) £150
Jaw line correction £200
Cheeks £200
Tear troughs £250
Non-surgical rhinoplasty (Nose job) £300
Nasolabial folds 1ml (nose to mouth line) £200
Marionette lines 1ml (mouth to chin line) £200
6-point face lift (usually achieved in 2 sessions) £700