Which type of ultrasound scan do you need?
Ultrasound Scans
We appreciate that understanding what scan is required for your specific needs can be confusing, so our friendly team at The Medic Clinic can help guide you on choosing the right service.
Upper Abdomen £110.00
Liver/ Pancreas/ Spleen/ Gallbladder
Internal Pelvic Scan £110.00
Looking at the female reproductive organs
3D Internal Pelvic Scan £130.00
A routine pelvic ultrasound with additional 3D views
External Abdomen + Internal Pelvic Scan £220.00
Follicle Tracking - First Scan £110.00
Follow up scan £75.00
Day 11, 14 and 21 of your Menstrual Cycle
(This is based off a 28-day cycle)
Lower Leg Venous Scan £150.00
Both legs £225.00
An ultrasound scan of your veins to assess if there is any venous insufficiency e.g. varicose veins
Hernia Scan £100.00
An ultrasound scan to identify a hernia in the region of interest and the content protruding through the hernia
Musculoskeletal Scan £125.00
Available for: Ankle/Foot, Elbow/Forearm, Hip/Upper Thigh, Knee, Shoulder/Upper Arm and Wrist/Hand
An ultrasound scan to provide real-time images of muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and cartilage throughout the body
(Currently only available for males)
Lower Abdomen £110.00
Kidneys/ Bladder/ Renal tract
Full Abdomen £160.00
Liver/ Pancreas/ Spleen/ Gallbladder/ Kidneys/ Bladder/ Renal tract
Scrotum / Penile £115.00
Lumps and bumps £100.00
DVT Scan £150.00
Both legs / both arms £225.00
An ultrasound scan of your veins to assess if there are any clots
Thyroid / Neck £100.00
Carotid Doppler £150.00
An ultrasound scan of your carotid arteries to check for any blockages
Abdominal Aorta £70.00
An ultrasound to help identify if you have an aneurysm and if this needs to be monitored or treated
Arterial Doppler £150.00
An ultrasound scan of the large arteries and veins to check for any blockages
Prostate Scan £100.00
An ultrasound scan to provide images of a man’s prostate gland and surrounding tissue
Pregnancy Scans
We are proud to offer pregnancy scans at The Medic Clinic. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy journey, we can help facilitate the ideal scan and if you are unsure on what this may be, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Early pregnancy scan £80.00
Week 6 of pregnancy and onwards
Anomaly scan £160.00
Between 18 and 21 weeks
Nuchal Translucency scan £100.00
Between 11 and 14 weeks
3D/4D scan - includes photos £110.00
Between 24 and 32 weeks
Reassurance scan £80.00
Week 6 of pregnancy and onwards
Gender scan £80.00
Week 16 of pregnancy and onwards
Growth scan £100.00
Between 23 and 40 weeks
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Common Questions
An ultrasound examination is a painless, usually non-invasive, procedure. There are several methods of performing the examination depending on the part of the body being examined. A clear, water-based gel will be spread onto your skin over the scanning site. You will be awake throughout the examination. If you would like to have the image explained to you, our doctors will be able to discuss this with you straight after.
Generally, there is no complicated preparation required for ultrasound scans, although it is recommended to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing, which can be easily removed if necessary. Different examinations require different preparations, and you will be given relevant instructions for your type of scan before you arrive at the clinic. For some types of scans, you may be asked not to eat or drink for about 6 hours before the scan. If you are having your womb scanned, you will probably be asked to come to the appointment with a full bladder. This is because the full bladder pushes the womb up, so it is in a position that is easier to scan. You may need a full bladder for a bladder scan too. There will be a toilet close by, so you will be able to go as soon as the scan is over.
You do not need a doctor’s referral, you can self -refer by contacting us via our website or by calling us on 01234984065.
For many types of scans, particularly pregnancy scans, the person who is carrying out the examination will be able to explain the images and results to you during or just after the scan has taken place. In other cases, the sonographer will analyse the images and send a report with the interpretation of the scan to on-call doctor at The Medic Clinic.
You may have a maximum of three people come into the room with you while you have the scan.
In case of an abnormality, your report will be produced immediately, and you will be referred to the on-call doctor in The Medic Clinic.